Discover Your Dream

You’ve decided to pursue your dream, but what exactly is this dream? Today, take an inventory of your interests, talents and current skill sets. What do you love to do? Look past the job titles and really dig deep into what you enjoy doing and the parallel skills.
Try this exercise to help jump-start your vision and make sure you're honest. As you undergo this process, you’ll be able to examine your interests and determine the best direction to take in the immediate future. You may want to write down your responses to keep track of your progress.
- What job would you do, even if you weren’t getting paid?
- What activities give you that kid-like jolt of energy?
- What’s the feeling you’re looking for once you achieve your dream?
- Is there a smaller dream that might be the first step in getting to the larger dream?
- What skills do you have that will aid you in the pursuit of this dream?
- What steps can you take today toward pursuing your dream?
When you uncover what you love to do and recognize your inherent skills, you’ll realize that there are opportunities to follow your dream all around you.
Author: Julian Caden
Topic: Pregnant at 52 after reunion love spell
-My marriage was falling almost dead due to a bit argument, depression, feelingless and numbed attitudes of my Hubby, he preferred being silent so as to hurt me.
-Although there’re days he has been fine and good to me, we cook, eat and do things together, but we still like stepping on a dozen of eggs, we were not at ease as like before when our marriage was still in an excellent shape. Most times after saying some hurtful words to me like; I cannot bear his children anymore cos of my age. He says sorry and apologize cos he knows that he’s acting passive, numbed and feelingless to me and frustration hits him back again and again.
-I truly love my Hubby and feels guilty of our misfortune, I have always wanted to trace back my wrongs and make some amendments so we can live as a happy family with our children by our side. I was tired of seeing him hurt inside.
-He eventually served me with a divorce letter after 18 years of our blessed marriage. His reason was that we could never work things out together again, I couldn’t bear his children, shutting him off to be involved in my life and affairs, he feels numbed when he thinks of those circumstances.
-I was deeply hurt before consulting Dr. Wakina Love Temple, even though I tried day by day to adjust to the woman of his choice but he didn’t see my efforts.
-At the end, I was put in a better position with my Hubby by Dr. Wakina love spell via his email I’m 7 months pregnant already at 52. It’s a magical work of Dr. Wakina that restored our dream.
Living a full time female in American lifestyle left me with little or no time to pursue my dreams. However, I did have time to gather into my storehouse books, articles, research, organizations, individuals, examples and other relevant data critical to making my dreams come true. Now that this is my season to blossom my dreams, I have a library of building blocks for a firm foundation to start my dreams on. It was one of the wisest behaviors I could have done for myself. It feels like I rewarded myself for waiting with this wonderful treasure chest of information.