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Jennifer Cohen

Jennifer Cohen

Senior leadership consultant and the founder and Principal...

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Julia Stoel-Legro

Julia Stoel-Legro

Founder and CEO of YES!Works

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Mike Dooley

Author of Notes from the Universe and founder of Totally Unique...

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Got A Tip?


Journaling Your Dream


If you were planning a trip to an exciting destination, you’d certainly want to record your memories and capture your experiences through pictures, souvenirs or a travel journal. Why not start a journal about pursuing your dream as you embark on your journey toward fulfilling this ultimate vision?

Whenever you get an idea regarding your dream, jot it down. Buy a special notebook specifically for this purpose and use it only for your thoughts, images and ideas about living your dream. As you write, be as specific as you can about your goals and how you plan to achieve them. But don’t shy away from recording an incomplete thought—some of the best ideas begin that way and no is going to be looking over your shoulder.

Your first entry can be simply writing down the dream you want to pursue and why. Once you get going, it will get easier to articulate what you want. Keep this journal with you at all times so you can quickly jot down any thoughts and ideas you have throughout the day.

Writing down your goals and thoughts will bring you one step closer to achieving them. Using your journal to measure your progress along the way will help keep you motivated for the days ahead.

Posted: 3/14/25

Can "getting out of a situation that is preventing me from growth" be a positive goal?


Well I've always been drawn to notebooks and have many in my home so I'm starting a journal. I've had and filled many a tiny book with ideas so I'll kust expand on that.


...and part of my treasure chest of information are at least a dozen journals, restaurant napkins, slips of paper, computer notes and notations in margins of many books, especially my Bible. Whew! That was fun! By journaling I can see how my dream grew in some places and how slow I still am in other spaces of developing my dreams. Time IS the greatest storyteller......