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Our Quitting Smoking Experts

Dr. Bankole Johnson

Dr. Bankole Johnson

Physician, psychiatrist and addiction researcher

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Damian O’Hara

Damian O’Hara

President of Allen Carr North America

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Dr. Cheryl Healton

Dr. Cheryl Healton

President and CEO of the American Legacy Foundation

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Going Cold Turkey DOES Stink

Going Cold Turkey DOES Stink

While it may seem like common sense that quitting smoking aids such as nicotine patches, gums, prescription medications and counseling are more effective at helping people successfully quit smoking compared to quitting “cold turkey,” no evidence has been around to back it up…until now. New research shows these quitting smoking tools are more than twice as useful than simply quitting without help.

The results showed the following quitting smoking aids effectiveness compared to a placebo:

Chantix—2.4 times (Be careful with this one. U.S. war vets have been advised against taking this drug for its side effects.)
Nicotine nasal spray—2.37 times
Zyban/Wellbutrin—2.07 times
Nicotine patch—2.07 times
Nicotine tablet—2.06 times
Nicotine gum—1.71 times

When smokers were asked if they would be willing to receive free nicotine-replacement products, almost 60% were interested. Of those that were interested, 94% said they would use the products to help them quit smoking permanently.

What tools have you used to help you quit smoking? What were your experiences with them? [WebMD]

Posted: 7/15/08