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Winn Claybaugh

Winn Claybaugh

Motivational speaker, business owner and author of Be Nice...

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Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

CEO and founder of SinekPartners Corporate Refocusing--helping...

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Karyn Greenstreet

Karyn Greenstreet

Internationally known speaker, author and expert on self employment...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Baby Steps Lead to Giant Leaps

Baby Steps Lead to Giant Leaps

Don't let the little tasks sidetrack you from achieving your...

What Entrepreneurs Aren't Afraid Of

What Entrepreneurs Aren't Afraid...

Don't let fear of failure (or any other fear) get in the way...

A Strong Takeoff Needs the Right Launchpad

A Strong Takeoff Needs the Right...

Learn the different types of business structures before you...

Building a Strong Foundation for Your New Business

Building a Strong Foundation...

At the beginning of the year, entrepreneurs might be focusing...

Bags To Riches

Bags To Riches

One entrepreneur quits her six-figure-paying job to start...

When Fear Takes Over

When Fear Takes Over

No, it's not the title of the latest made-for-TV movie...fear...

51 Lessons Inspired by Business

51 Lessons Inspired by Business...

One year after leaving corporate America to pursue a business...
