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Cody Lundin

Cody Lundin

Survival expert and author of When All Hell Breaks Loose

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Dr. William  Waugh Jr.

Dr. William Waugh Jr.

Professor of public administration and urban studies at Georgia...

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James Lee Witt

James Lee Witt

Former FEMA director and author of Stronger in the Broken...

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If you have questions about this change, you're in the right place. Our editors, experts, and community of change optimists have answers!

Answer:How My Marriage Was Restored Email: eboehispellcaster@yahoo.com My Name is Cindy Diane currently living in Ohio, USA.. This is my testimony about the...
Answer:I live in N>H>, and if you can deal with snow,you are pretty much disaster free!
Answered by dinergirl56 More»
Answer:I know this might sound a little silly but I just read this article about a Japanese company that has developed a personal airbag product. It's designed...
Answered by runnindownadream More»
Answer:I am very concerned about natural disasters, even frightened as each year the weather seems to worsen. I am not prepared at all which is scary. With...
Answered by obermoller More»