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Anyone have thoughts about Pilates?
I took a quiz that said the ideal type of exercise for me is Pilates. I don't like gyms (synchronized sweating, i call it), but I need a routine to help me get into shape.
I used to take a weekly pilates class awhile back, and I loved it. It really helped me to tone up, and since I'm not much of a runner, it was the right "speed" for me. It is a great workout!
Pilates is great for many individuals. Pilates does a great job strengthen your ligaments, tendons as well as all those muscles.
The big argument here, particularly between qualified trainers and Pilate instructors is how much weight you actually can "lose" if you where to chose working out with one or the other. As a highly skilled and certified trainer and having many friends in the Pilates business I can't help but agree that if I had to chose one I would definitely go with a more complete work out targeting the anaerobic, aerobic and weight training program.
The biggest benefit to Pilates, however, is that it is easier and less intimidating to get into and is a great place to start your exercise program. Don’t get me wrong Pilates can be difficult but there is a reason why Pilates is so popular, and rightly so, with a primarily female clientele. The main issue with male clients, however, is in the actually movements of Pilates. To build muscle you must go through a number of lifting “techniques” that Pilates won’t hit on hence there will be little muscle gain from Pilates. Please note that there is a HUGE difference between “strengthening” muscles as opposed to “building” muscles.
Will Pilates work? Sure! Just make sure you watch your daily caloric intake and do some cardio on your own. To keep moving forward with any type of program you should be pushing yourself around 70% of each workout at least 3x per week. If you don’t feel that your program is pushing you hard enough let your instructor know this way you aren’t “simply going through the motions”.
Yeah, i didn't think I was that inflexible. Even the easy looking exercises are not easy
I hate gyms too! My mom did Pilates for a while because she has a bad back and had bad posture too. It really seemed to strengthen her core and energize her. I've tried a little Pilates myself, but it always highlights my lack of flexibility!