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Question:What's the best exercise for getting rid of belly flab?

I'm not opposed to sit ups ... if that's what I have to do ...

Asked by Changeling on 5/27/08 6 Answers»


I got rid of mine by doing leg lifts. Lay on your back adn lift your legs about 6 to 9 inches from the ground and hold it for as long as you can. Do about 10 sets each day/ more if you can tolerate it. It won't be immediate but you should see results in at least a couple months if I remember correctly. Remember to drink lots of water to flush toxins from your body. Good luck !!

Answered by: melsrest on 6/24/08


You need to do a combination of both cardio and ab work. Ab work will help tone those muscles and build a strong core. But you won't be able to appreciate those muscles if you don't burn away your overall body fat with some good old fashioned cardio.

Try doing the bicycle crunch for your abs (there are tons of websites that can show you how to do this correctly) and then make sure you do 30 minutes of some kind of exercise (walking, running, rowing) that raises your heartrate for the cardio. I think a regular commitment to these two things will do the trick. Good luck!

Answered by: angfoster on 6/22/08


Cardio will help burn the fat, but building the muscles will burn fat FASTER... plus give you something nice to look at when that fat is gone! Include crunches on the excercise ball. If you have access to a gym, the captains chair and the excercise ball are a great abs combo. If you enjoy taking classes, I suggest pilates. And remember that you can do all the cardio and strength training in the world, but if you aren't watching your diet you won't get the results that you want to achieve.

Answered by: MelissaLeigh on 6/20/08


I'm going to agree with zestouli and say cardio, cardio, cardio! Strength training may further bulk up your midsection without reducing the fat, and the only way to get rid of fat is to burn it through aerobic exercise. So walk. jog, swim, etc.

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 6/5/08


I just read this in an article:

Lose Belly Fat with Resistance Training

Resistance training is all about getting toned, burning fat and boosting your metabolism. In fact, evidence supports the value of adding resistance training to your fitness regimen – especially where belly fat is concerned. Researchers in Korea found that combining aerobic training with resistance training decreased fat – particularly belly fat – better than aerobic exercise alone. The researchers divided a group of 30 obese women aged 40-45 into three groups: an aerobic-only (cardio) group; a combined-exercise (cardio plus resistance training) group; and a control (no exercise) group. At the end of 24 weeks, the control group increased their body fat percentage. The aerobic-only group lost body fat but did not increase their lean body mass. The combined-exercise group significantly increased their lean body mass, decreased their body fat percentage and lost two and a half times as much belly fat as the aerobic-only group. Talk about a good reason to pick up those dumbbells!

The complete article can be found at:

Good luck. I hope this helps.

Answered by: ByGeorge on 6/1/08


Cardio, Cardio & Cardio!

Answered by: zestouli on 5/28/08
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