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I'm starting my weight lose.. I would like to get into running.. does anyone has any suggestion on a running program for some just starting out? Thanks.
Go to Runners world on the internet there is a great 10 week program for beginners. Basically you alternate between running and walking for certain distances until you build up. It may be in the archives and may be called how to train for your first 5k. That is your best place to start. Good running shoes, the magazine also has an issue on the best ones, I am a former Marine and I wore Nike running shoes, but later found new balance shoes to be more to my liking..takes some time to figure out the best shoe for you. Good Luck - Great Goal!
If you're interested in helping out a good cause as well as get in shape, Team in Training - the running group for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is geared for beginner runners...very beginner. It is fantastic! I had never run before and now I've done 4 marathons. I'm not saying you have to go that far into it, but it is a great group. I would also suggest going to a really good running store for sneakers if you don't have new ones now. Your sneakers usually have a shelf life of about 200-300 miles on them and this includes walking. You should also not use the same sneakers you run in to walk in. Your body's gait it different when you run vs. walk and will wear out your shoes differently which could potentially cause injury. So I would suggest getting two pairs of sneakers. One to walk around in when you do walk and one to run in. I would also suggest going to Link. Fabulous information for people starting out, as well as a book called Chi Running. It is an amazing read and easy to use. Link It lays out how your body should work mechanically without lots of funky words. It also has pictures to help you understand exactly what they are talking about.
Depending on where you live, signing up for a running group is a great way to get into this sport as well as meet other people who are at your pace. Running alone can be great to clear your head, but once you get into longer distances, if you would like, it's always nice to have somebody to chat with when you do run.
You can also log on to Link to check out runs in your area.
Congrats on your decision to get into running. Keep up the good work!!
Oh and may I suggest investing in something called a foam roller. You can purchase it at any sporting goods store. If you Google "using a foam roller" it will show you ways to use it to stretch and massage your legs and back after a run or walk. It is a life saver!
One last thing, invest in a watch. This way you can see your progress as you continue to work. Simple ones like the Timex Ironman is great. Really user friendly and kind of cool looking too! :-)
Best of luck!!! Again, congrats.
Check out some of Jeff Galloway's training programs and books (Link. I trust Jeff's experience and expertise -- his advice has helped me complete several long-distance races. I am not a fitness expert, but I have also found that any beginning runner should mix running with walking when first starting out. Try a one-minute jog/run, 2-minute walk ratio. Congratulations on getting started! I have been running for more than ten years and it is an extremely rewarding sport -- gotta love that "runner's high"!
Interval training is a great suggestion. And yes, you should definitely have a good pair of shoes (Nike or otherwise.)
Make sure you start off slowly—the last thing you want is to get injured and set yourself back in your goals! You may also consider finding a running partner, someone who runs regularly to give you tips on form and help you set a pace.
Hey Musokagal!
Congrats on getting started on running - I'd suggest trying the NIKE+ items. There are 2 options: the most common is a chip that you put into NIKE+ shoes (or get a little velcro pouch to add to any shoe) and then plug the receiver into your iPod nano. The chip in your shoe sends the receiver how far you've traveled, how fast your pace is, how long you've been running and you can hear through your ipod some of this info while you run.
I personally liked the Nike+ wristband. It also has the chip, but sends it to a little receiver on a wristband. The receiver actually comes out and plugs into your USB port and you can track the runs you've been doing.
Hope that helps!! I'd recommend interval training as well - start out running for 1 minute, walk for 1 minute then slowly work up the running minutes until you can run for 10 minutes, walk for 1, etc.