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Question:Are you an exercise drop out?

Ariane talks about the characteristics of the people who are good at change ... they use positive language and surround themselves with a supportive team (to name a couple). The reason we succeed or fail at certain changes is often not easy to understand. Sometimes, though, we see a pattern emerging that shows us how we sometimes sabotage our best efforts at change.

Gretchen Ruben, from the Happiness Project posted a question recently to her readers with some very interesting results. The question is "Are You Likely An Exercise Dropout" She's created a little quiz to help you answer the question for yourself. Link

Take the quiz and let us know which one of those statements sound the most like you and your excuses for not sticking with exercise. Mine is "I'm potentially thinking that I might join this or that class" (I seem to think I have to find just the right class, in the right place, at the right time and the right price). You can see how I never quite make that one happen.

Asked by VictoriaB on 11/3/08 3 Answers»


OMG this is totally me, and I love the response!
--“Well, afternoons don’t work. And I can’t do mornings. I can come Tuesdays at noon, but not this Tuesday. Or next Tuesday...”
The President of the United States works out almost every day! If people really want to exercise, they find the time.--
I've never been able to stick to an exercise regimen in the gym. I have to find some kind of activity with peer pressure, or I'll go crazy.

Answered by: runnindownadream on 11/19/08


I took the quiz -- thank you so much for the link Victoria! -- and no, I don't have any of those warning signs. However, I am an exercise dropout right now -- I haven't been to the gym in two weeks. It's a combination of longer work hours and wedding planning that has stolen my work out time. Up until these last couple of weeks, I was working out at least three days a week, if not five. In reality, I probably won't squeeze in a workout this week, but I will make sure to hit it hard both days this weekend.

Answered by: LauraLee311 on 11/5/08


I'm definitely an exercise dropout. I used to be the "I'm totally into it 100% person" but without anyone to hold me accountable I dropped off. I started going to a trainer and that made a huge difference. Something about plunking down all that cash that gets me motivated to work out!

Answered by: AnnieChance on 11/4/08
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