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Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman

Physician, author and co-founder of Canyon Ranch Resort and...

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Joy Bauer

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Losing weight without changing eating habits is nearly impossible. A diet that offers a wide range of healthy, enjoyable foods and reduces the fat and calories you eat, is requisite for weight loss.

Below are six of the most popular diets today:

Moderate-Balanced Diet: These diets follow a modified food pyramid plan, emphasizing fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Examples: ADA, Mediterranean, Sonoma, Joy Bauer, Bob Green, Jenny Craig, NutriSystem

Low-Carbohydrate/High-Protein and Low Glycemic Index: Rich in meats, eggs, seafood and other protein-rich foods, while restricting a wide range of carbohydrates. Examples: Atkins, The South Beach Diet, The Zone

Detox or Anti-inflammatory: Focuses on eliminating caffeine, sugar and alcohol, which may lead to weight gain by triggering an inflammatory response in the body. Examples: Ultrametabolism, Dr. Weil’s diet

Low-Fat/High-Carbohydrate: Tends to restrict meats and other fatty foods, and emphasize healthy carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Examples: Dean Ornish, Volumetrics, New Pritikin Program, Raw Food

Meal Replacement or Low Calorie: Features a period of time where a liquid or bar supplement replaces one or more meals each day. Clinical trials suggest these diet cause rapid short-term weight loss, but few long-term benefits. Examples: Slimfast, Medifast, Optifast

Alkaline Diet: Advocates avoiding protein, sugar, processed foods, cereals, starches and some vegetables in an effort to balance the acid-base level of the blood and optimize nutrition. There is very little research to support this approach. Examples: The Alkaline diet, The pH Miracle.

Remember, there are hundreds of weight loss resources full of diet information. Study your options and choose wisely.

Posted: 1/22/25

Awesome going first 30 days with meal replacements first 15 days all liquid then add one meal the next 15 then do low carb 1200 calorie for 10 days then go back to 3 days of full liquid bcuz I lost 98 lbs.by tweeking back & forth with just resistence bands dancing & walk & jog 30-45/ kept off for 9 yrs.then had surgery & pain pills made me hungry for SWEETS & LAZY & GAINED BACK 45 IN YR.& HALF

  • By nisey41
  • on 11/8/12 6:01 AM EST

I am stuck. I couldnt decide which diet I should go on. I have been on a few lost some weight and gained it back. I guess the food pyramid diet is a good choice. I just have to stick with whatever diet I choose.

  • By Everlee
  • on 8/16/09 7:17 AM EST




I should stay away from wheats, pastas, artificial sweetners, breads, thickeners, and all the other bad stuff ladened with gluten, so that elminates a lot of things. A LOT! So, I am trying to watch my quanities, working on elminating the things that cause bad reactions, and focus on things I know my body can tolerate that are more natural and organically grown. I drink a glass of milk, which I normally don't do, every night, and a few ounces of pineapple juice before I go to bed. These two things have definitely helped my digestion and cut out heart burn at night. I have also cut out most of the cheese I was eating and eat more salads. One of the biggest things that helped me is the month I gave up my Diet Coke. I did not realize the artificial sweetners did so much damaged to my bathroom habits. I have done some back sliding lately, but I am working on getting back off that ride! I don't think that is any of the diets listed, but it's about finding my food lifestyle, and I am looking hard for it. Maybe it's under my gym shorts...