Just a reminder
Most everyone would do better on their diet if they had some one to take junk food out of their hands or remind them of their goals before they stuff their face with that hamburger. most of us dont have a gardian angle to take care of us 24/7, but you can remind yourself. I find that writing your ideal weight on your hand reminds you of your mission before you stuff your face. tip: It dosen't do much good to write it on your non-dominate hand, that's not the hand you raid the fridge with.
Shared by Anonymous on 2/15/08
out of sight; out of mind...just don't bring junk into your home or office....
One of the problems I had was dealing with the junk food once it was in the fridge. I felt guilty throwing it away. Food banks don't take frozen food. Especially yummy frozen restaurant quality pizzas.
So I gave them away to my friend's extremely active teenage boys who can afford to routinely scarf down junk food.
cute idea. i used to have a small plastic pig on the top shelf of my refrigerator to remind me not to pig out. i can't tell you it did much good. the pig wasn't capable of stopping me.