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A Child's Peace of Mind

Teaching a child meditative practices can be quite a challenge, especially in this busy day and age. Many parents in Bangkok frequent Buddhist temples only during holidays, and such visits do not cater to children. Enter the “Mind and Self Grooming Day Camp,” a slightly misleading name that refers to a meditation class aimed at children.
Activities include yoga, meditation, “jumping clay” and reading stories, but each is broken down into 15- to 30-minute chunks for the sake of a child’s attention span. Chompoo, the camp organizer, teaches meditative techniques that involve hand movements, but she also tries to teach practical ways for dealing with school and everyday stresses.
One parent speaks positively about the class, saying, “I don’t know what the world will be like in the future, as it is already changing very fast. I may be able to provide him the learning of new subjects but he will have to manage his mind himself.”

Do you think meditation practices should be implemented in Western schools? [Bangkok Post]

Posted: 6/17/08