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Jack  Kornfield

Jack Kornfield

Clinical psychologist, meditation instructor and author

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Sharon Salzberg

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Meditation and Parkinson's

The added health benefits of practicing meditation seem to be never ending. It’s even being used to help treat Parkinson’s patients on Prince Edward Island in Canada.
The local Parkinson’s support group is has created a Qi Gong exercise class for patients and non-patients to participate in. Qi Gong is a form of meditation that includes movement along with controlled breathing. Since Parkinson’s leaves people unable to control their bodily movements, the slow, deliberate moves of Qi Gong helps get them moving and working to regain some control over their body.
Though meditation won’t prevent the disease from progressing, it does get people to loosen up and move more than they would ordinarily. [The Guardian]

Posted: 4/23/08

I have taken Qi Gong, you need to give much more information about this form, I love it,

Jo~Ann, Bedford, Texas