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Reflecting at the DNC

Reflecting at the DNC

The Democratic National Convention started yesterday in Denver and the schedule is jam-packed with political talks and various bands to throw some entertainment into the mix. The last event you’d expect amidst this flurry of commotion is relaxation, but there’s a little something called “Meditate 08” that is concurrently taking place.
In Fishback Landing Park, near the Convention events, there are “Quiet Zone” signs taking up residence for those who need some quality reflection time. The Meditate 08 retreat is aimed at anyone who is interested, regardless of party affiliation, and Don Morreale, one of its teachers says, “This is a way of imparting on people that it is possible to be at peace—no matter the circumstances.”
Meditate 08 events include yoga, meditation, music and chanting, but one attendee, the publisher of Yoga Mom Magazine, points out that their purpose is still related to the Convention at large: “We want the candidates to know that we’re concerned about health, wellness, the economy and social issues that affect our families.” [The Denver Post]

Posted: 8/26/08