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Say "Om" to Cure Disease

Meditation may be your way of nixing stress or easing a bit of anxiety. But for some people, meditating is the key to helping them ease the effects of various diseases. The breath, visualization and blissed-out feeling of meditation are reasons enough to adopt the Zen-like habit.
But some people are also leaning on the practice to help ease painful disorders like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Both of the ailments are known to lead to pain, fatigue, and even depression. The good news? Meditation is known to help ease such symptoms. And the proof is in the numbers: 51% of 77 fibromyalgia patients reported a moderate to considerable improvement in their symptoms.
Finding a meditative state is a way for someone to find a spiritual connection, whether it is with the universe, God, or your own core self. However, meditation is not all about deep breathing, although that is one of the factors. Many forms of the exercise also use visualization, the repetition of a mantra and peaceful sound meditation, like playing specific music.
Your gain? Meditation can make you more relaxed, clear-minded and peaceful. The emotional benefits include decreased depression, less stress and anxiety, increased energy, and fewer mood swings. When it comes to the physical benefits, you'll notice a reduced heart rate, lower blood pressure, better sleep and a more stable immune system. All of these factors make chronic disorders a bit less painful.
Experts say all it takes is 20 minutes a day to start noticing the effects of meditation.
We want to know: How has meditation helped to make your life more manageable?
My biggest challenging is "finding time" to meditate, but when I do it on a regular basis I notice that I tend to be less stressed throughout the day and sleep better at night. Finding the time consistently is one of my goals in 2009.
When I meditate on a regular basis, I notice that I am much more in control of my emotions, like namastegirl. I find that I am much calmer and happier in general. It's funny that I know I derive these benefits from meditation, and yet I still don't practice it on a daily basis. Maybe because I view it as a "to-do" that can be put off?
I am more in control of my emotional state.
I am better able to focus at work and in challenging personal situations.
My dreams are almost controlable! E.I.E. I can change the outcome of some of my scariest dreams.
I am kinder and more openminded.