"I saw you on the Today show and it was that short appearance that literally, and physically, helped to change my life. You were the inspiration and motivation I needed to finally get moving." -Aisling
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Our Meditating Experts

Jack  Kornfield

Jack Kornfield

Clinical psychologist, meditation instructor and author

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Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg

Co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society and magazine...

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Stephan Bodian

Stephan Bodian

Meditation teacher and author of Meditation for Dummies

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Tap into Your Resources

Tap into Your Resources

When you consider pursuing meditation, do you think about buying a how-to video, running to Barnes & Noble in search of guiding books, comparing yoga mats online or Googling for the best experts? Hold on a second! Despite what you may think, you have meditated many times without even knowing it. Don’t believe me? Read on!
On Beliefnet.com, our own First30Days chief change optimist Ariane de Bonvoisin and First30Days expert friend Arjuna Ardagh “enlighten” us about our innate ability to meditate. They define meditation as “returning to a natural state of undisturbed, relaxed consciousness,” but as natural as it may be, we find ourselves frequently full of stressful and worrisome thoughts.
Relaxed? Not so much, but deep down, the ability to return to this meditative state is there—the key is to find it! Try not to get bogged down with images of what you think meditating should look like—cushions, special mats, softly-lit rooms—and embrace behaviors you already practice, such as gardening or walking. Can you think of more ways that could be incorporated into your daily meditation?

Posted: 8/21/08