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Jack  Kornfield

Jack Kornfield

Clinical psychologist, meditation instructor and author

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Sharon Salzberg

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Stephan Bodian

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Your Meditation Garden

If you’re meditating in a cluttered, noisy room in your home, you may have a harder time staying focused. In order to quiet your mind, you’ll have to carve out a space in which you can fully relax and be almost detached from the rest of the world.
Try to carve out some space in your home and call it your meditation garden. This area should not be near any distractions like a television, computer or a phone, and should be sensory rich with candles, plants, fountains or paintings that are calm and soothing. You might also want to include a comfortable chair or pillow to sit on when you meditate. These gardens don’t have to be outdoors either—you can easily make your garden in your basement, in a corner of your bedroom or in your living room. The point is that in creating this space just for yourself, you are further committing to meditating and calm.  [bnd.com]

Posted: 4/14/08