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Zen-Like Tunes

Zen-Like Tunes

Whether you are a beginner meditation enthusiast or an experienced practitioner of the peaceful art, the right music can add just the right touch to take your routine to the next step.

Soothing tunes can help bring you into a deeper meditative state, in addition to helping you relax and stay calm. This can be especially helpful if you are new to meditation, and, if you are a pro, then tranquil music will only help to further your understanding of the mental discipline.

Here are a few melodies that you may want to add to your next meditation session:

* Living Meditation: Guided Meditations with David Harshada Wagner: These tracks will help guide you through meditation, step-by-step while listening to some deep, meditative music.

* The Secret Universal Mind Meditation: The music master, Kelly Howell, is known for her spiritual healing powers through music.

* The Soul of Healing Meditations: This album is compiled and narrated by New Age-guru Deepak Chopra. Enjoy his delicate voice and delicate Indian-inspired tones.

*Write Spirit: Download free meditation music at this site, including tunes from the popular British group Shindhu.

If you are feeling the meditative state of mind, but you're not peaceful with your budget, then consider using some tunes that you already own. Soft voices, like Sheryl Crow, Jewel and Enya will help you relax.

We want to know: What music do you rely on to prep you for practicing meditation?

Posted: 10/14/08

Absolute peace and quiet makes me crazy -- I start thinking about all of the things I have to do! But music is too much. So, I often rely on a quiet, humming fan to tune out noisy thoughts.


My friend, Sandi Kimmel has some lovely music choices at her web site Link