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Our Planning a Wedding Experts

Sharon Naylor

Sharon Naylor

Award-winning author and wedding planning specialist

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Carley Roney

Carley Roney

Co-founder of the popular wedding site TheKnot.com

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Sheryl Paul

Sheryl Paul

Best-selling author and counselor

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates...

You never know when Tom Hanks will walk you to your wedding.

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Save your single friends from your rants and raves about the...

The Best of Bended Knees

The Best of Bended Knees

Every wedding proposal is a special one, but some stories...

Bouquets and Handcuffs

Bouquets and Handcuffs

A couple spends their wedding night in jail.

And the Band Played On

And the Band Played On

Today's wedding singers aren't what they used to be.

Marriage, the Final Frontier

Marriage, the Final Frontier

One Japanese company offers out-of-this-world weddings.

If this Marital Bed’s a Rockin’…

If this Marital Bed’s a Rockin’…...

Great sex doesn't have to end when the honeymoon is over.
