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Our Switching to a Mac Experts

David Pogue

David Pogue

Personal technology columnist for The New York Times

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Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

The inventor of the Apple II computer and co-founder of Apple...

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Bob Levitus

Bob Levitus

Author, owner of computer assistance firm and known as "Dr...

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Entering The World of Mac

It’s a question that’s been around as long as “Coke or Pepsi?” When it comes to a personal computer, do you go with a Windows-based computer that most of the world uses? Or should you dare to be different and go for a Mac?

More and more people are opting to be in the minority by switching to the sleek, friendly Mac computer. Thanks to Apple’s wild success with the iPod music player, the iTunes music store and the iPhone, Windows users are looking at Mac computers with fresh eyes and realizing that the old myth of Macs being just for hippie artists or tech geeks isn’t true at all.

It’s not that Windows computers are bad; Macs are just getting so much better. Since Apple’s decision in 2006 to start using Intel processors in their computers, Macs are not only faster but also capable of running Windows along with its regular operating system. In fact, Macs have the reputation of being friendlier and simpler, meaning the change has never been so en vogue.

As enticing as the gadgets appear, many Windows users feel nothing but anxiety at the thought of using a Mac. Is it worth the investment? Is it possible to “work” on such a simple computer? Will it be frustrating to learn a new operating system that will be updated in three months and become obsolete?

“For a long time, I was anti-Mac,” says Mike Donovan, an animator from Mahwah, NJ, and a successful Mac convert. “Back then, PCs were much faster. But I liked the design of the Mac and once I made the switch, I really got into it.”

Posted: 9/25/07

I have to disagree that Mac folks are more friendly. They are a snottier version used record store clerks who think PC users are morons. The "Mac Stores" at malls and nicer neighborhoods are full of helpful folks but the nuts and bolts service and sales stores (which is where you really find the uber-Mac-users), are painful.