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Mac Users Unite

Slide into your virtual Members Only jacket. As a Mac owner, you are now eligible to become a member of an exclusive club. Online.

With your Mac, version 10.4 or later, you can log on for free to “net4mac,” a social networking site just for people with Macs. Should MySpace and Facebook developers be worried? Net4mac offers similar options, such as creating groups and events, a profile, friends and even “What’s New?” updates, quite similar to the Facebook News Feed.

While net4mac will benefit users wanting to learn more about their Mac, share knowledge with others and talk about Apple products, it probably won’t appeal to many others. If your friends aren’t crazed for Mac computers like you are, it won’t serve much of a purpose, as only those with a Mac and join and view the content. Also, net4mac is only available as an application download—cannot be used in your web browser.

With over 150 users on net4mac around noon, just two days after its launch, is it just a lunchtime escape for a select group of Apple fanatics? Will it become the Mac’s MySpace…or be destined to fizzle away? [MacWorld]

Posted: 4/4/08