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David Pogue

David Pogue

Personal technology columnist for The New York Times

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Steve Wozniak

The inventor of the Apple II computer and co-founder of Apple...

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Bob Levitus

Author, owner of computer assistance firm and known as "Dr...

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Macs Still Not Right for Most Businesses

Macs Still Not Right for Most Businesses

If you have a small business and are thinking of migrating your operating systems to Mac, you may want to read this first. Jonathan Blum—CNNMoney Tech guru—ordered up an iMac to see how it would fare with his small business. With reports that iMacs were the best on the market and significantly cheaper than a PC counterpart for some businesses, Blum was willing to give it a try.

While in some instances the Apple was faster, Blum reports that in most cases it was just too difficult to get the business
applications to work smoothly. Blum and his assistants had a hard time synching their non-Apple devices, such as a Blackberry, with the Mac. Another problem was that the desktop (once you got it turned on...apparently the power button is "hidden") is divided into quadrants that extend beyond the screen edge and require some complex commands in order to slide from one to another. Overall, Blum seems to think that switching to a Mac probably isn't for every small business. It's true that Leopard (the latest Mac OS) does take some getting used to. But for a tech guru, you'd think he could navigate with a bit less, well, whining. Of course, as a business running on Mac, we might be a little biased...

What do you think, business owners? Is integration easier than we're being lead to believe, or is Blum's review spot on?

Posted: 5/30/08

I think the problem lies in companies that continue to shun the MAC when they're developing programs or gadgets. It's just not fair! I am not a psychic but in the next year to three years, people will be flocking in droves to the Mac after getting fed up with Windows machines and these programmers will have no choice but to accomodate. Blum should have been more patient. If he used it beyond the first 30 days he would have fallen in love!

  • By LMAYO9
  • on 6/5/08 7:26 PM EST

I think the problem lies in companies that continue to shun the MAC when they're developing programs or gadgets. It's just not fair! I am not a psychic but in the next year to three years, people will be flocking in droves to the Mac after getting fed up with Windows machines and these programmers will have no choice but to accomodate. Blum should have been more patient. If he used it beyond the first 30 days he would have fallen in love!

  • By LMAYO9
  • on 6/5/08 7:26 PM EST