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David Pogue

David Pogue

Personal technology columnist for The New York Times

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Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

The inventor of the Apple II computer and co-founder of Apple...

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Bob Levitus

Bob Levitus

Author, owner of computer assistance firm and known as "Dr...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Thank Rush for Your Fixed Mac

Last month controversial talk show host Rush Limbaugh pleaded (as only he could) with Apple CEO Steve Jobs to help him fix his Mac. “Mr. Jobs, please help me,” Limbaugh said on February 12th show. “I know we don't agree on anything. You love Al Gore—and by the way, I've got no problem with him now, but can you put me to somebody that can get this going, because I know it's gotta work for most people. What am I doing wrong?”  

Apparently the conservative host was struggling with two new features—Time Machine, which backs up your files, and Back to My Mac, which enables remote access—and his email messages were not be archived properly. We’re not sure if he got a call directly from Jobs himself, but Apple assigned an engineer to work with Limbaugh until the problem was sorted out—it took about two weeks. And, yes, they will make the change system wide.

Perhaps we should make plea for Apple to assign an engineer to us? In the meantime, we’ll stick with advice from Steve Wozniak! [New York Times]

Posted: 3/18/08