Always get a 2nd opinion before...
Sometimes when a general practioner gives you a diagnosis...
Shared by bugsybarb More»Sometimes when a general practioner gives you a diagnosis...
Shared by bugsybarb More»It's been quite a long time now since my diagnosis of a brain...
Shared by VictoriaB More»It doesn't hurt to either confirm your diagnosis or get another...
Shared by bstarr More»They will do nothing but screw up your feet, and I'm living...
Shared by LMAYO9 More»l have been taking Lyrica, and I am not in as much pain from...
Shared by ladythom More»Veteran's Day may have passed, but it's never too late to...
Shared by VictoriaB More»As a suffer of migraines since the age of seven (I am 24...
Shared by carolineshannon More»