How Did I Do That?
You will also need to keep track of your Mac’s vital information. Apple has a web site where you can print out a form and fill in important information about your computer. Keep this “cheat sheet” close to your Mac, as it will help you remember all the annoying little things about your computer, like its serial number, how many gigs your computer has, even the passwords you need for your email and user accounts. If you don’t want to use a notebook to record your favorite tips and tricks, you can add them to the back of this cheat sheet so all your information is in one place.
New Macs also come with Keychain, a password reference program. Any time you enter a password for email or to login to a web site, you will see a prompt asking if you want to save the password in Keychain. You can even start a “secure note” file, where you can list any other passwords you have trouble remembering. You can find the program in the Utilities folder in your Applications file.